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On FSAirlines there are three different awards which are given to the best pilots of every month. Each pilot who is given such an award can find the badge on his profile. Additionally there are awards which every pilot can achieve after having flown a certain amount of miles/hours/...

Pilot of the month awards

Most miles

The pilot who has flown the most miles within a month (miles are adjusted by the simulation rate).

Most hours

The pilot who has been in cockpit for the longest time within a month (hours are adjuste by the simulation rate).

Best rating

The pilot who did at least 5 flights and has the best average flight rating. If more than one pilot have the same average flight rating, the one with the most flights is chosen.

Standard awards

The standard awards are given to any pilot achieving one of the goals listed below. For each category there are basic, 1-star, 2-star awards and finally one golden 3-star award.


The number of airports you have visited: 10, 50, 200 or 500 Airports.


The number of real-time flights in a row you have done: 10, 50, 250 or 1000 flights.


The number of flights in a row with a 100% rating you have done: 10, 50, 200 or 500 flights.


The number of passengers you have transported. 1000, 10000, 25000, 100000 or 500000 PAX.


The nautical miles you have done (divided by simulation-rate): 1000, 10000, 100000, 250000 or 1000000 nm.


The total hours have flown on FSAirlines (divided by simulation-rate): 50, 100, 250, 500, 1000 or 5000 hours.