Fleet and Type Ratings
1. Go to your Fleet-Page. You will see that our aircraft list is empty. In this example we want to start building up our small VA by adding a fleet which is supposed to be used for short national flights within Germany.

2. Press the "Create Fleet" and enter your desired name for your fleet. We want to name it "Walters Expressline National".

3. Our fleet has successfully been created. Press continue.

4. We are now back on the fleet page. Select the newly created fleet in the drop down menu and press "Buy/Lease aircraft".

5. On this site we have the option to
- buy a new aircraft from the manufacturers list
- buy a used aircraft from the traders list
- lease an aircraft from another airline
- order a aircraft which is out of production
We want to buy a new aircraft and click on "The manufacturers list".

6. Because we do not have a lot of money (25.000.000v$) we want to build up a small fleet for short intercity flights, so lets buy a Beech King Air 350 by clicking on the "Buy"-Icon

7. I am currently located at EDDM (Munich) (you can look up where YOU are located on your Profile page), so I want my plane to be delivered to EDDM. Furthermore I order two planse in case another pilot wants to join my VA. Press the "Buy aircraft"-button to finalize the purchase.

8. We can see that our purchase has been confirmed.

9. On the Fleets-Page we can now see our two brand new aircrafts appear in the "Walter Expressline National"-list.

10. We are now nearly done but one important last step is needed in order to be able to fly this aircraft type. We need to assign Type Ratings for this aircraft on our Profile-Page.

11. Here we can see that our airline currently has one aircraft (Beech King Air 350). Lets select "yes" in order to get the Type Rating for this aircraft type and press "update" to finalize this step.

12. You have successfully created a new fleet and added your first airplanes to it - cool. The last step before actually jumping into the pilot seat and earn some money is to set up some routes which define where our Virtual Airline is going to operate.