Brief overview
The FSAirlines Wiki is run on utilizes a large range of specialized text editing tools for fast and easy editing within FSA Wiki, this guide will give a brief example of some of these, and how to use them.
Quick Reference Table
Markup code | What it looks like |
'''Bold face font''' | Bold face font |
''Italicized font'' | Italicized font |
'''''Bold & italicized font''''' | Bold & italicized font |
<nowiki>No wiki formatting</nowiki> | No wiki formatting |
~~~ | |
~~~~ |
Alasizon 01:15, 18 February 2009 (UTC) |
~~~~~ |
12:43, 16 January 2006 (PST) |
--~~~~ |
--Alasizon 01:15, 18 February 2009 (UTC) |
:Indented text
::Indented indented text |
*Bulleted text
**Indented bulleted text |
#Numbered text
##Indented numbered text |
Changing your font face
To bold a word or phrase, place three single quotation marks (''') at the beginning and end of the text you want to bold.
- Example: '''Bold'''
Will become: Bold
To italicize your text, place two single quotation marks ('') on each end of the text you want to italicize.
- Example: ''Italics''
Will become: Italics
Bolding and italicizing
To bold and italicize, place five single quotation marks (''''') around the text to be modified.
- Example: '''''Bold and italics'''''
Will become: Bold and italics
No wiki formatting
To remove any specialized formatting, use the <nowiki> and </nowiki> tags.
- Example: <nowiki>'''Bold font'''</nowiki>
Will become: '''Bold font'''
Signing your work (on talk pages)
Name only
To sign your name, place three tildes (~~~) where you want your name signed. (NOTE: Clicking on your name will link to your user page.)
- Example: ~~~
Will become: YourNameHere
Name and Timestamp
To sign your name with the current time, sign with four tildes (~~~~) where you want your name signed. (NOTE: Clicking on your name will link to your user page.)
- Example: ~~~~
Will Become: YourNameHere 17:30, 14 03 2025 (PDT)
Timestamp only
To sign with only a timestamp, use five tildes (~~~~~) where you want the timestamp to be placed.
- Example: ~~~~~
Will become: 17:30, 14 03 2025 (PDT)
Indenting and listing
To indent your text place a colon (:) on the beginning of the line. Adding two colons would double the indent, three would triple it, and so forth.
- Example:
No indent
- Will Become:
No indent
- Indent
- Indent
To create a bulleted list, place an asterisk (*) at the beginning of each line you want bulleted. Similarly to indents, adding a second asterisk will indent the bullets.
- Example:
No bullet
- Will Become:
No bullet
- Bullet
- Bullet
Numeric listing
To create a numbered list, place a number sign (also known as the hash mark) (#) at the beginning of the lines you want numbered, as with indents and bullets, multiple number signs will increase the indent.
- Example:
No numbers
- Will Become:
No numbers
- Numbers
- Numbers
To add headings which will, in turn, add entries to the Table of Contents at the top of the page, create a new line with your heading surrounded by a number of equal signs (=). Sub-headings are created by adding another equal sign to each side.
- Example:
===Example heading===
====Example subheading====
- Will Become:
Example Heading
Example Subheading
Note how the table of contents at the top of the page responds to sub-headings. Most wiki pages use two equal signs (==heading==) for their main headings.