Virtual Airline Overview

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On the Virtual Airline overview page you find some short info about the airline, the pilots and airline's partnerships. The title of the Overview page contains the name and the ID (in brackets) of the Virtual Airline.

CEO features

As CEO or Pilot with a rank having the required rights you can do the following things on the overview page.

Edit VA settings

Here you can edit several settings of your virtual airline.

Request name change

Request a new name or ICAO-Code for your virtual airline.

Homepage (optional)

Change the link to your va's website.

Pilot salary

Enter the percentage a pilot gets from the income he makes of a flight.


Set your multiplier to fixed value (automatically restricted by your airline size) or to dynamic so you always get the highest possible value.

Upload a logo for your airline which is shown on the overview page and the Briefing Document. The logo must be 150x200px, a valid jpg-file and below 30kB.

Upload a small logo for your airline which is shown on the flight monitor. The logo must be 100x22px, a valid jpg-file and below 30kB.

Airline Mission

A short statement about your airline which is shown on the overview page.

Based in

The country your airline is based in.

Default fleet

The fleet which is shown first when you go to the Fleets page.

Edit Rank

Click on the pencil next to the name to edit a VA Rank.

Delete Rank

Click on the garbage can next to the name to delete a VA Rank.

Add Rank

Click on Add Rank to add a new VA Rank.